Brazilian Blowout: Fighting the Frizz

The heat and humidity in South Texas is no joke! No matter how many "anti-frizz" products you use, or how long you take straightening your hair, walking outside leaves you with a head full of frizzy, un-manageable hair. If you have curly, kinky, frizzy, fine, damaged or coarse hair, 
we’ve got you covered. The Brazilian Blowout service is the answer to all your prayers!

What is a Brazilian Blowout, exactly? It's a 90 minute smoothing treatment that improves the condition of your hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair shaft to eliminate frizz and smooth the cuticle. There is absolutely no down time, so you are welcome to take a shower or throw your hair up and head to the gym after your service. What's even better is the intensity of the shine you get from a Brazilian Blowout! 
Who wouldn't want that?!

If your hair is wavy, the Brazilian Blowout will make your hair appear naturally straight and healthy. If your hair is very curly, it will minimize frizz while enhancing the appearance of the natural wave/curl. If you have straight, frizzy hair, this treatment will eliminate frizz and add a healthy shine.

It doesn't stop there, the Brazilian Blowout can be paired with colored/highlighted hair as well! You may be thinking, "Ah That's a lot of chemicals" But believe it or not, it actually improves the health of processed hair by conditioning the hair while sealing the cuticle for enhanced color, reduced frizz, and radiant shine.

How long does this magical goodness last, you ask? Up to 12 weeks when properly maintained using the Brazilian Blowout shampoo, conditioner, and/or deep conditioning masque. We highly recommend protecting your investment by purchasing the maintenance products that are specially designed to restore the proteins from the Brazilian Blowout treatment with each wash. Other brands of shampoos and conditioners will tend to strip the Brazilian Blowout treatment, which would have just been a complete waste of time and money. 

If by now you've decided to take the leap, make sure wherever you decide to have your Brazilian Blowout treatment done is a Certified Salon. At Salon Divine, you can always come in for a free consultation with our certified Brazilian Blowout stylists that would be more than willing to address any further questions or concerns you may have! -Salon Divine

 Below are two after images of a Brazilian Blowout Service.